Saturday, March 10, 2007

Corrina Blues - Blind Lemon Jefferson

Today I'm posting the lyrics of blind Lemon Jefferson's "Corrina Blues". It's more of a medley with the first part being mostly "See, See Rider", but never mind. This song has been haunting me over the last couple of days, and I haven't been able to get it out of my head. Jefferson had a terrific voice,and marvellous execution. If you get a chance you should listen to this one.

See see rider you see what you done done
Made me love you now your friend has gone
Made me love you now your friend has gone
Well you made me love you now your friend has gone

A great tall engine and a little small engineer
Got the woman away lord and left me standing here
Got the woman away lord and left me standing here
Got the woman away lord and left me standing here

If I had of listened to my second mind
I don't believe I'd have bin here, wringing my hand and cryin'
I don't believe I'd have bin here, wringing my hand and cryin'
I don't believe I'd have bin here, wringing my hand and cryin'

Ain't no more potatoes, the frost have killed the vine
The blues ain't nothing but a good woman on your mind
Well the blues ain't nothing but a good woman on your mind
Well the blues ain't nothing but a good woman on your mind

I done told you woman, I been telling your partner too
You're three times seven and you know what you wanna do
You're three times seven you know what you wanna do
Well you're three times seven you know what you wanna do

Have you seen Corrina, tell her to hurry home
I ain't had no true love since Corrine bin gone
I ain't had no true love since Corrine bin gone
I ain't had no true love since Corrine bin gone

Sunday, March 4, 2007

What are the Blues?

People talk about the blues all the time, but what are the blues? There are a lot of
different answers to a question like that. Some people will see the blues in technical terms, for these people chord progressions and "blue notes" will be what the blues are. Others will be likely to talk in terms of history, of the days of slavery and "plantation hollers". Some may have other views. The legendary Son House described the blues in terms of the pain that can only come from love gone wrong. To quote House:

...there ain't but one kind of blues, and that consists of between male and female that's in love. Two people supposed to be in love. And one or the other deceives the other who they love. Sometimes that kind of blues will make you even kill one another or do anything, that kind of love. It goes here, this side (puts his hand on heart) that's where the blues started...

With that poignant statement, he manages to capture the very essence of it all. But before dismissing the other aspects entirely, it is worthwhile taking a moment to look at them.